Department of Microbiology

Department of Microbiology


Fighting Infections, Protecting Communities
The Department of Microbiology at Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Government Medical College (BJGMC), Pune, is committed to excellence in academics, research, and clinical diagnostics. The department’s mission is to empower future medical professionals by imparting high-standard knowledge and skills in microbiology.

This department focuses on studying microorganisms, infectious diseases, and antimicrobial resistance, playing a crucial role in public health. This department studies microorganisms and their role in infectious diseases. It specializes in bacteriology, virology, mycology, and immunology, contributing to disease prevention and control strategies.

The department actively engages in research and hosts significant events. Notably, it organized the national congress of the Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists, MICROCON2024, from November 22nd to 24th, 2024. The event, themed “Transforming Future: Microscopes to Genomics,” featured 18 pre-conference scientific workshops covering a wide array of current topics in medical microbiology.

Through these initiatives, the Department of Microbiology at BJGMC continues to contribute to advancements in medical microbiology and public health.

Vision :

  • To make India free from infectious agents through updation of scientific knowledge, dedicated research and humanitarian approach to medicine.

Mission :

  • The mission of the department is to excel in all aspects of academics. The purpose being to empower the budding doctors by imparting knowledge and skills in Microbiology of the highest standards.



The national congress of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists, MICROCON2024 was organized by the Department of Microbiology, BJGMC Pune, and held from 22nd to 24th November 2024 with the theme of ‘Transforming Future: Microscopes to Genomics’ at Hotel Tip Top International, Waked, Pune. The congress was preceded by the pre-conference scientific workshops on 21st November providing a setting for discussing recent developments in a wide variety of topics of current importance in the field of medical microbiology. Organizing as many as 18 workshops covering almost all the relevant topics at the moment in the field was the focal point of the congress. The congress offered the 1054 clinical microbiologists a wonderful opportunity to exchange ideas, showcase research, and forge new collaborations through symposia, panel discussions, and workshops. A total of 579 scientific papers were presented at the conference. The theme of the congress “Transforming Future: From Microscopes to Genomics” aptly reflected the evolution of the discipline from traditional culture-based methods to highly advanced molecular techniques that provide deeper insights into the genetic makeup of microbes which has expanded the scope of microbiology tremendously offering powerful tools for diagnostics, environmental monitoring, and therapeutic development. The deliberations in the congress encompassed traditional as well as modern high throughput technologies like next-generation sequencing resonating with the theme of the congress.

Faculty of Microbiology

Infrastructure of Microbiology

Research & Publications of Microbiology

  • Authors – Shekokar D, Gedam D, Kilikdar M, Ambhore NA, Karyakarte R, Pisey A.
    Topic – Bacteriology of Wound Infections and the Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern among the Isolates
    Published At – J Cont Med A Dent.
  • Authors – Gedam DS, Pisey AS, Sayare PC, Ambhore NA, Karyakarte RP, Shekokar D
    Topic – Evaluation of Bacterial Contamination of Old and New Indian Paper Currency Notes
    Published At – J Cont Med A Dent.
  • Authors – Nanoty VV, Gedam DS, Shah PG, Karyakarte RP.
    Topic – Seroprevalence Of Human Immunodeficiency Viruses In Pregnant Women
    Published At – Nat J Int Res Med.
  • Authors – Kilikdar M, Gedam D, PiseyA,Karyakarte RP
    Topic – Rapid Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in PLHIV and Its Correlation with CD4 Count
    Published At – Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci
  • Authors – MudshingkarS, Palewar M, Kongre V, Kagal A, Bhardwaj R, Karyakarte R.
    Topic – Trends in Epidemiology, Susceptibility Pattern and Serotypes of Salmonellae at a Tertiary Care Hospital, India: An Eight-Year Study(2011 – 2018).
    Published At – Journal of Advances in Microbiology
  • Authors – Sagar D, Dedwal A, Bhamre S, Karyakarte R..
    Topic – CunninghamellaBertholletiae Fungal Corneal Ulcer: A Case Report
    Published At – Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research.
  • Authors – Surabhi Pujari, Vidya Arjunwadkar, Shashikala Sangle, Anju Kagal, Renu Bharadwaj, Rajesh Karyakarte
    Topic – Cryptococcal Antigenemia in HIV-Infected Patients with CD4+T-cellCount ≤ 200cells/μl: A study from a tertiary care hospital
    Published At – International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research
  • Authors – Pednekar SN, Kambale SS, Gokhale V, Kagal A, Karyakarte R
    Topic – Changing trend of HIV seroprevalence among pregnant women in and around Pune: tertiary care hospital-based study.
    Published At – Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research
  • Authors – Palewar M, Mudshingkar S, Dohe V, Kagal A, Karyakarte R.
    Topic – Bacteriological profile and antibiogram of blood culture isolates from a tertiary care hospital of Western India
    Published At – J Datta Meghe Inst Med Sci Univ
  • Authors – Mehrotra N, Dedwal A, Bhamare S, Karyakarte R..
    Topic – Cryptococcus Neoformans causing Chronic Endopthalmitis: A Case Report
    Published At – Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research
  • Authors – Kinikar A, Kulkarni R, Rajput U, Karyakarte R.
    Topic – Acute Encephalopathy in a Child with COVID-19 Infection.
    Published At – Pediatr Inf Dis
  • Authors – Kulkarni R, Rajput U, Dawre R, Valvi C, Nagpal R, Magdum N, Vankar H, Sonkawade N, Das A, Vartak S, Joshi S, Varma S, Karyakarte R, Bhosale R, Kinikar A.
    Topic – Early‑onset symptomatic neonatal COVID‑19 infection with high probability of vertical transmission
    Published At – Infection
  • Authors – A Dedwal, S SMudshingkar, S. Bhamare, A. Kagal, R. Karyakarte
    Topic – Antifungal susceptibility pattern of dermatophytosis: Need of the hour for antifungal stewardship and policy.
    Published At – International Journal of Infectious Diseases
  • Authors – Kilikdar M, Ambhore NA, Shekokar DS, Karyakarte RP
    Topic – A rare case of pleural effusion due to Acinetobacter junii in a known patient of pulmonary tuberculosis.
    Published At – International Journal of Research in Medical sciences.
  • Authors – Meshram P, Gedam D, Ambhore N, Karyakarte R
    Topic – Blood stream infections-prevalence in a tertiary care institute, Central India
    Published At – Indian Journal of Microbiology Research
  • Authors – Das R, Joshi S, Pednekar S, Karyakarte R
    Topic – Comparison of Xpert Xpress SARS-CoV-2 assay and RT-PCR test in diagnosis of COVID-19
    Published At – IOSR J Dent Med Sci
  • Authors – Dr. Neha Phopre; Dr. Suvarna Joshi; Dr. Rajesh Karyakarte.
    Topic – Clinico-Epidemiological Profile of Chikungunya Infection and it’s Coinfection with Dengue
    Published At – International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology (IJISRT)
  • Authors – Gupte AN, Kumar P, Araújo-Pereira M, Kulkarni V, Paradkar M, Pradhan N, Menon P, Padmapriyadarsini C, Hanna LE, Shivakumar SV, Rockwood N.
    Topic – Baseline IL-6 is a biomarker for unfavourable tuberculosis treatment outcomes: a multisite discovery and validation study.
    Published At – European Respiratory Journal
  • Authors – Karyakarte RP, Das R, Taji N, Yanamandra S, Shende S, Joshi S, Karekar B, Bawale R, Tiwari R, Jadhav M, Sakalkar S.
    Topic – An early and preliminary assessment of the clinical severity of the emerging SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants in Maharashtra, India
    Published At – Cureus
  • Authors – Dedwal A, Jayram A, Sareen K, Pednekar S, Mudshingkar S, Bhamare S.
    Topic – Rhizopus Mucor mycosis: Case series from tertiary care hospital in Western Maharashtra
    Published At – Ann Otolaryngol Rhinol
  • Authors – Palewar MS, Joshi S, Yanamandra S, Pol S, Dedwal A, Anand A, Sadafale A, Karyakarte R.
    Topic – Trend analysis in seroprevalence of dengue, chikungunya and malaria: A seven-year serological study from a tertiary care hospital of Maharashtra, India
    Published At – Journal of Vector Borne Diseases
  • Authors – Poojashri M Sharma, Rajesh P Karyakarte, Nitin A Ambhore, Rupali S Mantri.
    Topic – Spectrum of Gram Negative organisms in an Adult ICU of a Tertiary Care hospital
    Published At – Int. J. Heal. Clin. Res.
  • Authors – Gupte AN, Kumar P, Araújo-Pereira M, Kulkarni V, Paradkar M, Pradhan N, Menon P, Padmapriyadarsini C, Hanna LE, Shivakumar SV, Rockwood N.
    Topic – Baseline IL-6 is a biomarker for unfavourable tuberculosis treatment outcomes: a multisite discovery and validation study
    Published At – European Respiratory Journal
  • Authors – Tanushree Zirwar, Sae Pol, Renu Bhardwaj
    Topic – Brucellosis and leptospirosis among patients with PUO: A study at tertiary care hospital
    Published At – MedPulse International Journal of Microbiology
  • Authors – Devhare DP, Pol S.
    Topic – Comparison of different phenotypic methods for detection of vancomycin drug resistance in enterococcus species
    Published At – International Journal of Research and Review
  • Authors – Niveditha D, Khan S, Khilari A, Nadkarni S, Bhalerao U, Kadam P, Yadav R, Kanekar JB, Shah N, Likhitkar B, Sawant R
    Topic – A Tale of Two Waves: Diverse Genomic and Transmission Landscapes Over 15 Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Pune, India
    Published At – medRxiv
  • Authors – Vogel AB, Kanevsky I, Che Y, Swanson KA, Muik A, Vormehr M, Kranz LM, Walzer KC, Hein S, Güler A, Loschko J
    Topic – A prefusion SARS-CoV-2 spike RNA vaccine is highly immunogenic and prevents lung infection in non-human primates
    Published At – BioRxiv
  • Authors – Das R, Karyakarte R, Joshi S, Joshi S, Khan S, Kadam P, Shah N, Sawant R, Nagar D, Pathak M, Raghunathan A.
    Topic – Clinical characteristics of AY. 4 infections are similar to B. 1.617. 2 infections: a preliminary study
    Published At – Indian J Bas App Med Res
  • Authors – Daniel EA, Thiruvengadam K, Rajamanickam A, Chandrasekaran P, Pattabiraman S, Bhanu B, Sivaprakasam A, Paradkar M, Kulkarni V, Karyakarte R, Shivakumar SV.
    Topic – QuantiFERON supernatant-based host biomarkers predicting progression to active tuberculosis disease among household contacts of tuberculosis patients
    Published At – Clinical Infectious Diseases
  • Authors – Akhter J, Queromes G, Pillai K, Kepenekian V, Badar S, Mekkawy A, Frobert E, Valle S, Morris DL
    Topic – In vitro study of BromAc on SARS-CoV-2 spike and envelope proteins shows synergy and disintegration at modest concentrations
    Published At – –
  • Authors – Palewar M, Mudshingkar S, Dohe V, Kagal A, Karyakarte R.
    Topic – Recent Trends in Bacteriological Profile of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections (LRTIs) in Outdoor, Indoor and Critical Care Settings of a Tertiary Care Centre in Pune.
    Published At – –
  • Authors – Gupta A, Bhanushali S, Karyakarte R, Joshi S, Das R, Shouche Y, Sharma A.
    Topic – Mycobiome profiling of nasopharyngeal region of SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals
    Published At – Microbes and Infection
  • Authors – Anand SP, Chen Y, Prévost J, Gasser R, Beaudoin-Bussières G, Abrams CF, Pazgier M, Finzi A.
    Topic – Interaction of human ACE2 to membrane-bound SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 S glycoproteins
    Published At – Viruses
  • Authors – Shrutikirti, Shrutikirti & Dedwal, Ashwini & Pednekar, Sushma & Karyakarte, Rajesh.
  • Authors – Deshmukh S, Sane M, Gaikwad S, Sahasrabudhe T, Barthwal M, Lokhande R, Raskar S, Kagal A, Dharmshale S, Pradhan N, Gupte A.
    Topic – Sex differences in tb clinical presentation, drug exposure, and treatment outcomes in India
    Published At – Chest
  • Authors – Luzzatto-Fegiz P, Temprano-Coleto F, Peaudecerf FJ, Landel JR, Zhu Y, McMurry JA
    Topic – UVA radiation could be a significant contributor to sunlight inactivation of SARS-CoV-2
    Published At – BioRxiv
  • Authors – Kamble S, Pednekar S, Pol S, Deshpande S, Karyakarte R
    Topic – Recent trend of HIV infection at integrated counselling and testing centre, tertiary care hospital, Pune, Maharashtra.
    Published At – –
  • Authors – Patil, Snehal & Vedpathak, Manoj & Dharmshale, Sujata & Shaikh, Nasira. Patil, et al:
    Topic – Diphtheria: A case series Diphtheria: A case series from West Maharashtra, India
    Published At – J Med Sci.
  • Authors – Longjohn MN, Egbule OS, Danso SO, Akujuru EE, Ibubeleye VT, Oweredaba CI, Ogharanduku T, Manu A, Iweriebor BC
    Topic – Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 genomes from across Africa reveals potentially clinically relevant mutations
    Published At – BioRxiv
  • Authors – Maitra A, Raghav S, Dalal A, Ali F, Paynter VM, Paul D, Biswas NK, Ghosh A, Jani K, Chinnaswamy S, Pati S
    Topic – PAN-INDIA 1000 SARS-CoV-2 RNA genome sequencing reveals important insights into the outbreak
    Published At – BioRxiv
  • Authors – Dedwal A, Mudshingkar SS, Bhamare S, Kagal A, Karyakarte R.
    Topic – Microbiological, clinical, and epidemiological profile of phaeohyphomycosis in a tertiary care hospital from Western India
    Published At – International Journal of Infectious Diseases
  • Authors – Dharmshale, Sujata & Shinde, Dr & Ga
    Topic – A Rare Fungal Isolate Neoscytalidium Dimidiatum from Keratitis in a People Living with HIV
    Published At – American Journal of Public Health
  • Authors – Paul D, Jani K, Kumar J, Chauhan R, Seshadri V, Lal G, Karyakarte R, Joshi S, Tambe M, Sen S, Karade S.
    Topic – Phylogenomic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 genomes from western India reveals unique linked mutations
    Published At – BioRxiv
  • Authors – Jayaram A, Sareen K, Dedwal A.
    Topic – Mycological Profile of Respiratory Tract Samples in a Tertiary Care Hospital from Western India
    Published At – Int J Health Sci Res
  • Authors – Ingole N, Mathure T, Jinwal M, Kashyap PL, Talwadekar S, Nataraj G.
    Topic – Role of Quality Management System in Setting up and Sustaining a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory during COVID-19 Pandemic.
    Published At – –
  • Authors – Kamble S, Deshpande S, Kagal A, Bharadwaj R.
    Topic – Diagnostic utility of Tzanck Smear in various cutaneous skin infections
    Published At – –
  • Authors – Mave V, Gaikwad S, Barthwal M, Chandanwale A, Lokhande R, Kadam D, Dharmshale S, Bharadwaj R, Kagal A, Pradhan N, Deshmukh S.
    Topic – Diabetes mellitus and tuberculosis treatment outcomes in Pune, India
    Published At – InOpen forum infectious diseases
  • Authors – Mudshingkar S, Dedwal A, Karyakarte R.
    Topic – Hand hygiene: A prospective interventional study on compliance of health care workers in a tertiary care hospital in India.
    Published At – Microbes and Infectious Diseases
  • Authors – Dedwal A, Mudshingkar S, Bhamare S, Karyakarte R.
    Topic – Phaeohyphomycosis: Clinical, Epidemiological and Mycological profile in a tertiary care hospital from western Maharashtra
    Published At – Indian Journal of Basic & Applied Medical Research
  • Authors – Chiluvery BR, Dharmshale S, Patil S, Pawar S, Ingole K.
    Topic – A Case Series of Diphtheria in Western India: Time to Revisit Vaccination Coverage and Policy?
    Published At – American Journal of Epidemiology
  • Authors – Karyakarte RP, Das R, Rajmane MV, Dudhate S, Agarasen J, Pillai P, Chandankhede PM, Labhshetwar RS, Gadiyal Y, Kulkarni PP, Nizarudeen S.
    Topic – Chasing SARS-CoV-2 XBB. 1.16 recombinant lineage in India and the clinical profile of XBB. 1.16 cases in Maharashtra, India.
    Published At – Cureus
  • Authors – Dedwal A, Mudshingkar SS, Bhamare S, Kagal A, Karyakarte R.
    Topic – Microbiological, clinical, and epidemiological profile of phaeohyphomycosis in a tertiary care hospital from Western India
    Published At – International Journal of Infectious Diseases
  • Authors – N A, R M, P S.
    Topic – Prevalence of hepatitis B and C infections in Akola district- 4 year retrospective study
    Published At – Int. J. Heal. Clin. Res.
  • Authors – Queiroz AT, Vinhaes CL, Fukutani ER, Gupte AN, Kumar NP, Fukutani KF, Arriaga MB, Sterling TR, Babu S, Gaikwad S, Karyakarte R.
    Topic – A multi-center, prospective cohort study of whole blood gene expression in the tuberculosis-diabetes interaction.
    Published At – Scientific Reports
  • Authors – Ding S, Laumaea A, Benlarbi M, Beaudoin-Bussières G, Gasser R, Medjahed H, Pancera M, Stamatatos L, McGuire AT, Bazin R, Finzi A
    Topic – Antibody binding to SARS-CoV-2 S glycoprotein correlates with but does not predict neutralization
    Published At – Viruses
  • Authors – Karyakarte, Rajesh & Sagar, Drishti & Pol, Sae.
    Topic – Burden of Klebsiella pneumoniae in late onset neonatal sepsis in a tertiary care hospital in Western Maharashtra
    Published At – IP International Journal of Medical Microbiology and Tropical Diseases
  • Authors – Karekar B, Goswami U, Joshi S, Palewar M, Pol S, Karyakarte R.
    Published At – IJSR
  • Authors – Shivakoti R, Dalli J, Kadam D, Gaikwad S, Barthwal M, Colas RA, Mazzacuva F, Lokhande R, Dharmshale S, Bharadwaj R, Kagal A.
    Topic – Lipid mediators of inflammation and Resolution in individuals with tuberculosis and tuberculosis-Diabetes
    Published At – Prostaglandins & other lipid mediators
  • Authors – Palewar MS, Joshi S, Choudhary G, Das R, Sadafale A, Karyakarte R.
    Topic – Prevalence of Hepatitis A virus (HAV) and Hepatitis E virus (HEV) in patients presenting with acute viral hepatitis: A 3-year retrospective study at a tertiary care Hospital in Western India
    Published At – Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care
  • Authors – Swati, Mudshingkar & Dedwal, Ashwini & Bhamare, Sunil & Kagal, Anju & Karyakarte, Rajesh
    Published At – International Journal of Advanced Research
  • Authors – Deshmukh S, Atre S, Chavan A, Raskar S, Sawant T, Mave V, Gupte N, Gaikwad S, Sahasrabudhe T, Barthwal M, Kakrani A.
    Topic – Assessment of the Xpert assay among adult pulmonary tuberculosis suspects with and without diabetes mellitus
    Published At – The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
  • Authors – Baveja B, Palewar MS, Joshi S, Karyakarte R.
    Topic – Seroprevalence of acute leptospirosis in a tertiary care hospital of western India
    Published At – MGM Journal of Medical Sciences
  • Authors – Joshi SA, Shah PG, Gajbhiye MR, Pillai P, Dudhate SN, Karyakarte RP.
    Topic – Household Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the Third Wave of the Pandemic with Special Reference to Clinico-epidemiological Characteristics
    Published At – Indian Journal of Community Medicine