Department of Pharmacology

Department of Pharmacology


The Science of Medicines & Therapeutics
The Pharmacology Department trains students in drug action, clinical trials, and therapeutics to ensure safe and effective treatment. Pharmacology focuses on drug action, therapeutic uses, and adverse effects. It ensures safe and effective medication use through clinical research, pharmacovigilance, and experimental pharmacology.

The Department of Pharmacology at Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Government Medical College (BJGMC), Pune, is dedicated to advancing medical education and research in the field of pharmacology. The department’s vision is to be recognized as an intensive academic center excelling in pharmacology research, with the ultimate goal of improving human health.

Through these initiatives, the Department of Pharmacology at BJGMC strives to contribute significantly to medical education, research, and patient care.

Vision :

  • To be renowned as an Intensive Academic Center in the discipline of Pharmacology and excel in pharmacology research, with the ultimate goal of improving human health.

Mission :

  • To provide a training environment that promotes cooperation, values diversity, and fosters innovation
  • To facilitate analytical thinking among medical students and practitioners to encourage Rational as well as Safe Prescribing through quality teaching
  • To create awareness about the Pharmacovigilance Program Of India and importance of ADR reporting among the medical fraternity
  • To Promote interdepartmental, interfaculty and international collaborative research.
  • To organize Departmental seminars on medical writing
  • To establish a Pharmacology and Toxicology animal house
  • To establish an Unit for Estimation of drug levels in body fluids

Activities :

  • Undergraduate teaching for students of IInd MBBS
  • Pharmacology training for students of BSc Nursing
  • Postgraduate training in Pharmacology and Therapeutics
  • Certificate Course in Modern Pharmacology under MUHS.
  • Maintain uninterrupted supply of medicines for patients of the hospital through the Main Medical Store and 24*7 OPD/ Casualty Pharmacy
  • Drug Utilization and Pharmacoeconomic studies
  • To provide opinion on Ethical aspects of clinical research through the Institutional Ethics Committee of BJGMC & SGH, Pune-1.
  • Regional Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Center under the Pharmacovigilance Program of India
  • Pharmacovigilance Committee for opinion regarding continuation of use of a drug in event of reporting of an ADR from the hospital

Faculty of Pharmacology

Infrastructure of Pharmacology

Research & Publications of Pharmacology

  • Authors – Sagar D Phate, Bharti R Daswani, M S Palewar, Vaishali Kongre, Deepika N Mishra, A S Chandanwale.
    Topic – Experimental Comparison of Effectiveness of Different Hand Disinfection Modalities In A Laboratory Setting.
    Published At – International Journal of Medical Science and Current Research
  • Authors – Sagar D. Phate, Bharti R. Daswani, Deepika N. Mishra, Kedar S. Joshi.
    Topic – Genetic analysis of SLC47A1, SLC22A1, SLC22A2, ATM gene polymorphisms among diabetics in an Indian population.
    Published At – Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol
  • Authors – Prajakta T Kolhe,ML Pardeshi, Balasaheb B. Ghongane
    Topic – Study of drug utilization pattern in patients of hypertension with and without comorbidities visiting an outpatient department at tertiary healthcare hospital.
    Published At – International journal of medical science and current research
  • Authors – Dr. Mayur Phulpagare , Dr.Smita Tiwari, Dr.R.S .Hiray
    Topic – A Study to Assess the Knowledge of Intrvenous Fluid in Third MBBS Students In Tertiary Care Hospital.
    Published At – Int.Journal of Scientific Research
  • Authors – Navodaya Salwe , SangeetaDabhade, Smita Tiwari
    Topic – Evaluation Of Knowledge And Awareness Of AMA Use, AMA PolicyAnd Antibiogram Among Resident Doctors After 4 Years Of Implementation Of Ama Policy In A Tertiary Care Hospital.
    Published At – Int.Journal of Scientific Research
  • Authors – Narwade SD , Rohidas Barve
    Topic – Assessment of Comorbidities in patients with deranged thyroid hormone levels.
    Published At – International journal of basic and clinical pharmacology
  • Authors – Daswani Bharti R, Deepika N Mishra, Sagar D Phate
    Topic – Study of drug utilization and outcomes in stroke patient in a tertiary care hospital.
    Published At – Journal of medical pharmaceutical and allied sciences.
  • Authors – Mayur B Phulpagare , Smita A Tiwari , Rajesh S Hiray.
    Topic – Cost Excursion Study of Various Insulin Preparations Available in India
    Published At – Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
  • Authors – Pooja C upasani , Rohidas M Barve ,Rajesh S Hiray
    Topic – A pharmacoeconomic study of different brands of commonly prescribed antihypertensive drugs.
    Published At – International journal of basic and clinical pharmacology
  • Authors – Khandade Suvarna, Pardeshi Milindkumar, Hiray Rajesh
    Topic – A study on drug utilization pattern of cardiovascular drugs in intensive care unit of department of medicine in a tertiary care teaching hospital.
    Published At – Paripex Indian J Res
  • Authors – Kadam P, Tiwari S, Daswani B, Taware A, Hiray R.
    Topic – Pharmacoeconomics and Utilization of Intravenous Proton Pump Inhibitors in a Tertiary Care Hospital.
    Published At – J Pharm Care
  • Authors – Mayur B Phulpagare, Smita A Tiwari, Rajesh S Hiray
    Topic – Antiplatelet Efficacy of 75 mg Aspirin Once a Day versus Twice a Day Dosing in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients- A Longitudinal Open Label Study.
    Published At – Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
  • Authors – Fernandes M, Daswani B, Aringale V, Kinikar A.
    Topic – Analytical Study of a Case Series of Vancomycin Associated Adverse Drug Reactions in Paediatric Population at a Tertiary Care Hospital: A Brief Report.
    Published At – J Pharm Care
  • Authors – B M, Hiray RS, Jain MB, Gadhade J.
    Topic – Virtual conferences, online learning and ethics video-meetings: An elixir in the time of COVID-19 crisis
    Published At – Int J of Pharmc Res
  • Authors – Dr.Pooja Chandrashekhar Upasani, Dr. Rajesh Sudhakar Hiray, Dr. Momin Mohd. Abdul Mujeeb
    Topic – Antibiotic resistance pattern and questionnaire regarding measures taken for its prevention in tertiary care hospital
    Published At – Int. J. of Pharmacology and Clin. Research
  • Authors – Jain M, Hiray RS, Mailagire R, Mukthambika B and Gadhade J.
    Topic – Drug utilization study in covid associated mucormycosis patients in a tertiary care hospital
    Published At – International Journal of Pharmacological Research
  • Authors – Akshay Vishwasrao Bodke, Momin Mohd. Abdul Mujeeb, Milind L. Pardeshi, Sangeeta S. Dabhade, Smita A. Tiwari
    Topic – Knowledge, attitude, and practice about antimicrobial stewardship concepts among practitioners
    Published At – International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology
  • Authors – Kartki Aher, Smita A. Tiwari
    Topic – Knowledge and attitude regarding pharmacovigilance in general population
    Published At – Indian Journal of Public health Research & development
  • Authors – Parveen A, Soni C, Daswani B
    Topic – Prescription Analysis and Drug Utilization Pattern in Out Patient Department of Hospital Pharmacy at a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital
    Published At – Hospital Pharmacology
  • Authors – Parveen A.
    Topic – DRESS associated with amoxicillin use: A case report
    Published At – Rx factor
  • Authors – Mohini Jogdand, Rohidas M. Barve.
    Topic – Assessment of Knowledge, attitude & practice of haemovigilance among resident doctors at tertiary care teaching hospital Pune
    Published At – Global Journal of Research Analysis
  • Authors – Rayewar AA, Hambarde SS, Wanjari RP, Bodke AV, Mujeeb MMA
    Topic – Study of utilization of antimicrobial drugs and its resistance pattern in patients with septicemia at a tertiary care hospital
    Published At – Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol
  • Authors – Gaikwad AP, Barve R and Hiray R.
    Topic – A Cost variation analysis of drugs used in the management of thromboembolic disorders a pharmacoeconomic study
    Published At – International Journal of Pharmacological Research
  • Authors – Lawankar AB, Mujeeb MM, Hiray RS.
    Topic – Determination of resistance pattern of bacteriostatic antimicrobial drugs by analysis of blood culture reports
    Published At – International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology
  • Authors – Ashish Bhaskarrao Lawankar , Momin Mohd. Abdul Mujeeb , Rajesh Sudhakar Hiray , Arvind Punja Salve , Rahul DnyandeoKale, Mohammed Mohsin Ahmed
    Topic – Comparative study of effect of amlodipine, atenolol, enalapril and thiazide on arterial blood pressure, heart rate and renal function tests in hypertensive patients
    Published At – J. of Pharmacology and Clin. Research
  • Authors – Ingle SA, Divhare SA, Hiray RS, Shingare S.
    Topic – Determination of the drug utilization patterns of antimicrobial agents used in the department of ear, nose and throat at a tertiary care teaching hospital
    Published At – Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol
  • Authors – Todkar SL, Tiwari S.
    Topic – A study of adverse drug reactions in tuberculosis patients in a tertiary care hospital
    Published At – Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol
  • Authors – Gupta KS, Pardeshi ML, Hiray RS.
    Topic – Cost variation analysis of commonly prescribed anti-diabetic drugs available in Indian market: a pharmacoeconomic study
    Published At – Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol
  • Authors – Gupta KS, Pardeshi ML, Hiray RS.
    Topic – An analysis of perception and attitude of second year undergraduate medical students towards offline and online mode of learning in a tertiary care teaching hospital
    Published At – International Journal of Medical Science and Current Research
  • Authors – Jain Minal Bharat, Rajesh S. Hiray, Mukthambika B, Jyoti Gadhade, Rajesh Mailagire
    Topic – Cost variation study of various brands of drugs used in treatment of acne vulgaris, available in India: A pharmacoeconomic study
    Published At – IJMSIR
  • Authors – Jain M, Hiray RS, Mailagire R, Mukthambika B and Gadhade J.
    Topic – Drug utilization study in covid associated mucormycosis patients in a tertiary care hospital
    Published At – International Journal of Pharmacological Research